Iñupiatun Uqaluit Taniktun Sivuniŋit

This is a comprehensive dictionary of North Slope Iñupiaq (Siḷaliñiġmiutun) by Dr. Edna Ahgeak Maclean (Paniattaaq), which took over forty years to compile and complete. There are 19,000 entries and thirty-one appendices—with categories such as kinship terms, names of constellations, and Iñupiaqsiñivut, etc. including in this dictionary.

Purchase here.

Download preliminary copy here.

See the online dictionary and word builder here.

Iñupiatun Dictionary

This Malimiutun (Northwest Arctic) dictionary was developed by Wolf Seiler of SIL with NANA Regional Corporation through the Iñupiat Ilitqusiat Program to promote the important Iñupiaq value: Knowledge of Language. This project was supported by the NANA Iñuuniałiqput Committee and the NANA Regional Elders Council.

Download online version here. This is an unofficial version.

Kaŋiqsisautit Uqayusraġnikun (Kobuk Junior Dictionary)

This dictionary was developed by the National Bilingual Materials Development Center. It is intended for both classroom and home use, for native speakers and beginning students alike.

A searchable online database is is also available from the Alaska Native Knowledge Network. See it here.

Download a copy from Alaska Native Language Archive here.

Kiŋikmi Sigum Qanuq Ilitaavut

This book documents Kiŋikmiutun (Wales) Inupiaq terms for sea ice and related terms, including an alphabetical list and explanations for the terms.

Download online version here.

Iñupiat Eskimo Dictionary

This dictionary was compiled in 1970 by Donald Webster and Wilfried Zibell. It is thematically organized and includes North Slope (Siḷaliñiġmiutun) and Malimiut varieties of Iñupiaq.

Download online version here.

Uummaġmiut Uqaluŋisa Mumiksitchirutiŋit

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This book includes only the ‘English – Uummaġmiutun’ portion of the Basic Uumaġmiutun Dictionary from the Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre (ICRC). Uummaġmiutun is one of the three dialects of Inuvialuktun, the language of Inuvialuit in the Western Arctic. It is closely related to Nunamiut Inupiaq spoken in Anaktuvak Pass, Alaska. The script used in Uummaġmiutun is different from the Iñupiaq script used in Alaska.

Download the E-book here.

Ugiuvaŋmiutun Dictionary

This unpublished dictionary was compiled by Dr. Lawrence Kaplan in the early 1990’s from speakers Margaret Penetac (Iiŋaq), Margaret Seeganna (Tukkunaq), Paul Tiulana (Tiulana), and Francis Alvanna, as well as other Ugiuvaŋmiut. As a first draft, there may be many mistakes or misspellings. Please use with discretion.

Download a PDF copy here.

View the searchable online dictionary here.

Iñupiallu Tanŋiḷḷu Uqaluŋisa Iḷaŋich

This concise and easy-to-use dictionary of North Slope Iñupiaq (Siḷaliñiġmiutun) is intended for classroom and general use. There are more than 3,400 Iñupiaq noun and verb stem entries and about the same number of English-to-Iñupiaq entries. This is an essential guide, useful for anyone from beginning learners to advanced speakers of the language. It can be used as part of a formal curriculum, as a reference work, or as a practical tool for self-study.

Purchase here.