
Feel free to download and print these images to use in your classroom or home. If you have more posters you would like to see here, please contact us. Quyanaq to the teachers who have graciously developed and shared these posters, including Suzzuk and Kakianaaq. All images are for educational purposes only.


Atchagat Bering Straits School District - by Suzzuk

Atchagat Bering Straits School District - by Suzzuk

Bering Strait School District Atchagat Song

Bering Strait School District Atchagat Song

Iñupiaq Consonants by Iyaġak (infographic by Language Base Camp)

Iñupiaq Consonants by Iyaġak (infographic by Language Base Camp)

Iñupiaq Sounds by Annauk

Iñupiaq Sounds by Annauk


North Slope statement endings (interrogative) from Kakianaaq Jaime Patkutaq (above & below)

North Slope statement endings (interrogative) from Kakianaaq Jaime Patkutaq (above & below)

North Slope Question endings (interrogative) from Kakianaaq Jaime Patkutaq (above & below)

North Slope Question endings (interrogative) from Kakianaaq Jaime Patkutaq (above & below)

North Slope intransitive endings (adapted from MacLean 2014 by Iyaġak)

North Slope intransitive endings (adapted from MacLean 2014 by Iyaġak)

North Slope transitive indicative endings (adapted from MacLean 2014 by Iyaġak)

North Slope transitive indicative endings (adapted from MacLean 2014 by Iyaġak)

North Slope transitive interrogative endings (adapted from MacLean 2014 by Iyaġak)

North Slope transitive interrogative endings (adapted from MacLean 2014 by Iyaġak)

Adapted from MacLean 2014 by Annauk

Adapted from MacLean 2014 by Annauk

Classroom Phrases

Common phrases in North Slope Iñupiaq from Kakianaaq Jaime Patkutaq

Common phrases in North Slope Iñupiaq from Kakianaaq Jaime Patkutaq

More conversational phrases from Kakianaaq Jaime Patkutaq (North Slope)

More conversational phrases from Kakianaaq Jaime Patkutaq (North Slope)

Qanuġitpiñ? (How are you) phrases from Kakianaaq (North Slope)

Qanuġitpiñ? (How are you) phrases from Kakianaaq (North Slope)

Qanuq itpa siḷa? - How is the weather poster from Kakinaaq (North Slope)

Qanuq itpa siḷa? - How is the weather poster from Kakinaaq (North Slope)

Language learning phrases - North Slope

Language learning phrases - North Slope

Question Words - North Slope

Question Words - North Slope


Tuttumiñ (From the Caribou) by Iyaġak, translations by Edna MacLean - Original Source - The Beaver, 1942

Tuttumiñ (From the Caribou) by Iyaġak, translations by Edna MacLean - Original Source - The Beaver, 1942

First Year - Diagram by Xh’unei, translations by Iyaġak

First Year - Diagram by Xh’unei, translations by Iyaġak

Tamaani anayanaitchuq. - It is safe around here.

Tamaani anayanaitchuq. - It is safe around here.