
Iḷisaqtuallu aŋayuqaaġiiḷḷu

From 2015-2018, the Alaska Native Heritage Center was provided a grant from the Adminstration for Native Americans to teach intergenerational class in Kisaġvik (Anchorage). These classes resulted in a sequenced curriculum that can be used to teach intergenerational classes or used as a general adult curriculum. This document is still in draft form so please let us know if you notice any typos.

Tautuguŋ uumani.


Iñuguiñiq miqłiqtuuranik Iñupiatun

The best way for your little ones to learn Iñupiaq is for you to speak to them in Iñupiaq at an early age. Iḷisaqativut has developed a phrasebook for speaking to infants in Iñupiaq (quyanaq to Aġnik, Iyaġak, and Annauk) that you can see below. Annauk Olin has developed a curriculum for new parents to speak to their little ones in Iñupiaq (coming soon!).

Tautuguŋ uumani.